The University Writing Center was founded in 1993 to help UT Austin students become more proficient, more versatile, and more confident writers. The UWC can help students from any major, with any writing project, at any point on their college career. Writers of all abilities come here to do what professional writers do: get another person’s response to their writing.
Writing Appointments
To maximize support for online learning, we have lifted restrictions on the number of consultations students can have per semester. Find out more and schedule an appointment!
Request a presentation for your student organization or suggest that your teacher request one for your class.
Find the full list of our resources on the main handouts page. A selection of undergrad-specific resources are listed below.
Resources for Undergrads
Additional Resources
- ChatGPT & LLMs_2023
- Code-Switching and Code-Meshing
- College Writing Myths
- Entrepreneurship Resources
- Hire an Editor
- Peer Review (45-50min)
- Peer Review (45-50min) Presenter Template
- Psychology CVs
- RHE 306 Recommended Presentations Schedule
- Resources for Multilingual Writers
- Résumé-Writing Resources
- Song Starter Outline
Grammar, Usage, & Punctuation
Research Papers and Lab Reports
The Basics
Writing Guides
- Analyzing Poetry
- Art and Art History Papers: Formal Analysis and Comparative Analysis
- Close Reading Literature
- Cover Letters
- How to Construct and Format a Resume
- Making the Transition from High School to College Writing
- Personal Statements
- Personal Statements: Models for Generating Content
- Revising Essays and Research Papers (45-50min)
- Rhetorical Analysis
- Rhetorical Fallacies
- Sentence Clarity (45-50min)
- Transitioning from High School to University-Level Writing (45-50min)
- Writing Abstracts (45-50min)
- Writing Effective Internal Transfer Essays ( 35-45 min. )
- Writing Literature Reviews (25-35min)
- Writing Personal Statements (35-45min)
- Writing Resumes, CVs, and Cover Letters (45-50min)