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A Podcast About How We Write…Anything!

In this episode, Jennifer Juszkiewicz speaks to Kristin Gilger about robot voice, accordian articles, and working against the pressure to get everything right the first time.

Previously on the Podcast:

Trigger Warning: This episode includes an in-depth discussion and song about the 1937 gas explosion at a school in New London, TX. Listeners who prefer not to hear this portion of today’s episode should stop listening at the 22-minute mark.

Season 1, Ep: 8: How We Write Assessment: Dr. Monique Pikus

Season 1, Ep: 7: Movies!: Elena Weinberg

Season 1, Ep: 6: Public Train Wrecks: Trish Roberts-Miller

Season 1, Ep: 5: How She Writes Beyond 4 Walls: J Wells

Season 1, Ep: 4: How The Show Must Go On: Rupert Reyes

Season 1, Ep: 3: How We Write the Songs: Michele Solberg

Season 1, Ep: 2: How We Take U-Turns: Marc Musick

Season 1, Ep: 1: How We Laugh: Cody Melcher