The UWC provides one-on-one consultations and other services to support your students. At their request, we’ll send you notes about their visits. If you’d like to receive occasional updates from the UWC, log into utlists.utexas.edu and sign up for uwc@utlists.utexas.edu.
Below you’ll find:
* a description of our services for your syllabus
* UWC ads for your Canvas site
* a link to our presentation request form
* resources to supplement your in-class writing instruction
* tips about preventing plagiarism
* effective ways to incentivize student visits to the UWC.
Instructors request presentations for a variety of reasons: to supplement their own instruction on a paper assignment, to help students understand academic integrity and avoid plagiarism, or to help students recognize conventions of academic writing at the undergraduate or graduate level. By inviting a UWC presenter to your class, you’ll demystify the writing center for your students and make them more likely to seek out our services. But if you prefer, you or your TAs can deliver our presentations to your class. All of our presentations are available for download.
All of our resources on writing have been recently updated to ensure accuracy and relevance. Feel free to link to them from your syllabus, Canvas site, paper comments, or assignments. (If you have trouble accessing a handout online, try using a different web browser.) To support online learning, we have begun creating videos on topics related to writing and writing instruction. We will add additional videos to our UWC YouTube Channel as they become available. Some resources of particular interest to teachers are listed below.
Syllabus Blurb
If you would like to mention the UWC in your syllabus, you are welcome to use the following language:
“I strongly encourage you to use the services offered by the University Writing Center. The UWC offers 45-minute, one-on-one consultations with UT students on any piece of writing. You may visit up to three times per short paper and more frequently for long projects. Consultants can work with you once per day. The consultants are well trained, and the cost of the service is covered in your tuition. If you wish to make an appointment, you may do so through the UWC website: uwc.utexas.edu.”